Joachim has been traveling around the world. He left Paris on his 25th birthday, came back one year later in 2010. And you're here on his travel blog.
Since he came back, he started writing a book: 360 in 365 »

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360 in 365 – Joachim voyage autour du monde

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Tag: Mongolia

Dearest Juliette, I have a confidence to make : I went to Mongolia without you. Six or seven years ago we promised each other we’s meet in Ulaan-Baatar and conquer the Mongol steppes on horse. We said like, in about ten years… But well, I couldn’t wait and passed through Mongolia on my way around […]

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Mongolia is traditionnaly buddhist, from the Nepal branch. (more about it : Wikipedia:Buddhism in Mongolia) On the first day of our trip around Mongolia we stopped at the Amarbayasgalant monastery, and we witnessed the Tsam Dance festival (more about it : I don’t have time to write more, so here are the pictures.

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A silent post. The old man told us, the day before it snowed. We woke up and felt the crispy snow under our feet. And that was it, I guess.

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No words (because I have to pack my stuff for my Mongolia tour tomorrow)

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360 in 366?
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