Joachim has been traveling around the world. He left Paris on his 25th birthday, came back one year later in 2010. And you're here on his travel blog.
Since he came back, he started writing a book: 360 in 365 »

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360 in 365 – Joachim voyage autour du monde

360 in 365 – Joachim voyage autour du monde

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Tag: Malaisie

You first hear the percussions and gongs from the street corner, and when you get there, past the little crowd, you can see them : the New Year dragons, dancing on a doorstep to bring wealth to the home. During the Lunar New Year week, dragon dancers troupes are paid by chinese families to come […]

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For the last month, I travelled almost exclusively with some friends : a frenchman from Normandy who played Brassens on Thai beaches, the sweetest japanese-argentinian girl ever who likes to go to museums and discuss philosophy, a student from Toulouse who likes parapente (my thesaurus says it’s also an english word), and his two friends […]

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360 in 366?
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