Joachim has been traveling around the world. He left Paris on his 25th birthday, came back one year later in 2010. And you're here on his travel blog.
Since he came back, he started writing a book: 360 in 365 »

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360 in 365 – Joachim voyage autour du monde

360 in 365 – Joachim voyage autour du monde

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The microsponsors

The Concept:

Dear reader, dear friend. You can help me achieve my dream of traveling around the world, by participating in this microsponsorship program.

You are now able to finance one day of my travel : pick the day you want, or a country i’ll be visiting then… on the day you choose, I make a postcard and send it to you, to thank you for your contribution.

The postcard can be a sketch, an instant photograph,  some little souvenirs… it’ll be a personalised artwork, from me to you. Before being sent, the postcards will be photographed and published on this blog, with a Creative Commons license.

To help you decide, please consult my plans, I put some dates to help you target a country and a date… but nothing’s written in stone. I’ll tell you if I change my plans :)

The Microsponsor thing is now closed!

The microsponsoring platform has been designed by Samuel Martin and Stéphane Deschamps. May they be thanked again and again, and may they know happiness and felicity in the coming eons even after the return and rise of the Mighty Cthulhu, which could come soon. If you’re still reading this, go microsponsor me already!

Joachim’s travel lasted 372 days, from sept. 3rd. 2009 to sept. 10th. 2010. This website is in an archival state and won’t be updated again.

360 in 366?
All the contents on this website has been created by Joachim unless otherwise noted.
Copyrights and licenses - ©2009 Joachim
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A Production Joachimesque