Joachim has been traveling around the world. He left Paris on his 25th birthday, came back one year later in 2010. And you're here on his travel blog.
Since he came back, he started writing a book: 360 in 365 »

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360 in 365 – Joachim voyage autour du monde

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Category: Articles

Moscow, crazy city

Moscow is a strange city. I would say I’d need more time to get to know it well, and I can’t retell 5 days of crazy wanderings with great people in this city in a blog post. That’s why I made two. One for now, the other for later… just because I don’t want to […]

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Zero-th day, Moscow.

After half a day in the plane, two hours in a taxi and a lot of time wasted, I’m finally at the hostel. I’m too tired to do anything else than just read my mails, send some other mails, answer to my facebook message, be submerged by the tweets and everything else. But yeah, Moscow […]

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Last things in Paris

I haven’t written here a lot, because I did things. Vaccinations, I had 3 rabies shots, plus one for the yellow fever, one for hep-A and Typhoïd, and one for Dyphtery, Tetanus and Polio. I also had my visas cared for me by Action-Visas, a visa agency whose buisness is to go queue at the […]

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The CouchSurfing Experience

Okay, so I didn’t write a lot recently. I guess I’ll tell you what’s been on my mind these days : CouchSurfing. Basically, CouchSurfing is an online community connecting people travelling and people having a couch to host travelling people. Very basically. Because in fact, it’s much more… It’s a network based on trust, that allows […]

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Microsponsors : a solution for financing support.

When I looked for ways to finance my travel around the world, I tried to find how to give to my family, friends, colleagues and/or readers a solution to help me. I found a solution while discussing with Antoine : I have to get them to microsponsor my project. Instead of looking for hypothetical “regular” […]

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My Moleskine sketchbooks

There’s something I haven’t talked about even if it’s going to have its importance in my trip. When we think about a travel, we think about travel journals. We think about Chatwin or Hemingway, or Delacroix the painter and his Carnets marocains, or Gauguin. Travel journaling is intimely linked with traveling : it’s the way […]

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Abridged To-Do List

87 days and still some things to do…

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“… and you’ll take your cameras, I guess?”

If there’s one remark I always get from my friends, it’s that one about my cameras. Because, you know, I have the reputation to be the kind of guy who collects lots of cameras… And yes, it’s true. That’s my big brother’s and my big sister’s fault. They had a camera first so I wanted […]

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About, well, me.

For this website, I needed a page about, well, me, and what I enjoy doing. After all, it’s a common exercice on the Internet… My name is Joachim, I was born in Bordeaux, France on a 3rd of September. I work in Paris, France as a web & motion designer after studying visual communication, with […]

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360 in 366?
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