Joachim has been traveling around the world. He left Paris on his 25th birthday, came back one year later in 2010. And you're here on his travel blog.
Since he came back, he started writing a book: 360 in 365 »

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Category: Articles

Huang Shan, the mountain that saw the end of my digital camera.

If you followed my recent tweets, you might know that my digital camera’s dead. And that explains why I haven’t posted a lot these days. I don’t have lots to show you, so I spread it… The place where it died? Huang Shan. The Yellow Mountain. It’s the mountain that’s in the heart of every […]

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The Wall

I went to the Great Wall of China the other day, and it was thrilling. The wall is like a bit worm unrolled on the montains. I went there a saturday, and I walked the 10 kilometers between Jinshanling and Simatai with some people from CouchSurfing. It was cool, and different from the habitual hostel […]

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Beijing gardens

I left Beijing one week ago. I could make a post without text and just say “adios friends, I’ve left Shanghai now, you can have only the pictures” but well, I don’t know. I didn’t make lots of pictures in Beijing. I only made pictures in the parks. I was greatly impressed by the surprises […]

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Chinese people photographying chinese people

Here are the first photos of Beijing, because I’m on my 31st day of trip my trip. This is the week of the 60th birthday of the People’s Republic of China. As a result, the Beijingers aren’t in Beijing, and the people from all China are in Beijing, and they take photographs of themeselves to […]

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Letter to my sister

Dearest Juliette, I have a confidence to make : I went to Mongolia without you. Six or seven years ago we promised each other we’s meet in Ulaan-Baatar and conquer the Mongol steppes on horse. We said like, in about ten years… But well, I couldn’t wait and passed through Mongolia on my way around […]

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Tsam Dance at the Amarbayasgalant temple

Mongolia is traditionnaly buddhist, from the Nepal branch. (more about it : Wikipedia:Buddhism in Mongolia) On the first day of our trip around Mongolia we stopped at the Amarbayasgalant monastery, and we witnessed the Tsam Dance festival (more about it : I don’t have time to write more, so here are the pictures.

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Mongolian Snows

A silent post. The old man told us, the day before it snowed. We woke up and felt the crispy snow under our feet. And that was it, I guess.

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No words (because I have to pack my stuff for my Mongolia tour tomorrow)

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One more thing about Moskva

So in yesterday’s post I told you about lots of things but I didn’t finish. Allow me, dear friends, to continue. I then had to meet with Katya, my second CouchSurfing host. After a pluvious afternoon visiting the museums and strolling around the Russian capital under the gray sky, I met with her in a […]

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360 in 366?
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