Joachim has been traveling around the world. He left Paris on his 25th birthday, came back one year later in 2010. And you're here on his travel blog.
Since he came back, he started writing a book: 360 in 365 »

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Angkor Wat

Angkor was capital city of the Khmer empire some uncounted centuries ago. Some would compare the Khmers to the Romans… they built roads and irrigation systems that still work to this day. Over one million people lived in Angkor, or so the estimations say, when London was still a big village. Humanity’s most populated metropolis at that instant in History.

The buildings, palaces and houses, were build out of wood, when stone and bricks were only for the Gods. We wouldn’t know the whealth and glory of the Khmer empire’s capital city if the temples didn’t survive the test of Time. And of these temples is one, the most notorious of all, Angkor Wat. One of the 8th Marvels of the World.

Angkor Wat was built by a Khmer king when the religion was hinduism, and his goal was to be laid under it when he died, so he could be deified. It is the biggest religious building still in activity in the world, but the religion’s changed. Instead of venerating Shiva, Vishnu or Rama, the new landlord is Buddha.

I could spend hours talking about what you could read on the On Line e-Wikipedia interwebs and it wouldn’t be really interesting. But well, I got some images.


  1. Merci pour ça, un gros coup de coeur pour la 6.

    Comment by Romuald — Dec 31st, 2009 @ 04:21 PM
  2. Et bonne année à toi, il me semble que le Cambodge est déjà passé en 2010.

    Comment by Bastien — Dec 31st, 2009 @ 07:14 PM
  3. T’es un artiste mec!
    Et en plus t’es au Cambodge! C’est ouf ca!
    J’ai toujours ma super blague mais la derniere fois que je l’ai racontee elle n’etait pas drole…

    Comment by Charles — Jan 1st, 2010 @ 10:12 AM
  4. Romuald, merci! même si elle est un peu brûlée sur les blancs… la lumière du matin était sublime dans ces couloirs… avec un peu de chance dans un an on verra une meilleure version sur de la Velvia… vu que j’avais aussi mon Yashica Mat ;)

    Bastien, bonne année à toi aussi!

    Charles, bah garde-la bien au chaud, cette blague! Je veux l’entendre à Singapour!

    Comment by joachim — Jan 1st, 2010 @ 12:15 PM
  5. Waw tes photos sont sublimes !

    Comment by Naga_ — Jan 7th, 2010 @ 03:32 AM
  6. superbes photos j’aime beaucoup ça donne envie !!

    Comment by farah — Aug 31st, 2011 @ 04:55 PM

360 in 366?
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